December Mining Monitor
Welcome to the final Mining Monitor for 2013. Online version here.
While there is still much to be done to curb the impacts and excesses of the global mining industry, it’s worth pausing for a moment at this time of the year to remember what we have achieved with the help of colleagues, affected communities, supporters, family, friends and donors.
This year MPI has been productive and effective with its support for mining affected communities in Australia, PNG, the Pacifc, Africa and Scandinavia – as well as producing a documentary, research articles and a revamped website and mining monitor.
MPI uses a range of strategies to a achieve our goal of securing improvements in mining projects, policy, law and practice. Our goal is ambitious and almost never-ending as we seek to prevent mining related injustices, embed better practices in a global mining industry and secure better outcomes for those most at risk. To do his we have a varied work-plan; from attending a protest or an AGM, to undertaking and publishing new research, to assessing damaged sites or supporting remote communities. Below is just a sample of what we have achieved this year.
Now to to say thanks. Thanks very much to our major funders and project partners, without you we would achieve little. Thankyou to the MPI Board; Mia, Gavin, Richard and Adam who provide the direction and the energy that keeps MPI on track. Thanks to Jessie, Andrea, Belle and Cathy for the work you do or for just helping out when needed. Thanks to the Earth Welfare Foundation for understanding the importance of our Mining Legacies work and helping bring that to fruition.
MPI has some big ideas for 2014 and we would appreciate your help.
- We really need a volunteer coordinator – so if donating a few hours to help maximize the effectiveness of our volunteers appeals to you then please contact me, ASAP.
- Always need more volunteers too.
- Help us spread the word. Keep up with our news on facebook or twitter or at our website and share it with those around you.
- Share a little joy this Christmas. Give us a present so together we can help those impacted by mining. Whether its a community in PNG, El Salvador or Australia we promise to use your donation to hold the mining industry to account and deliver a real return for mining affected communities. Become a monthly donor for Christmas.
Merry Christmas and seasons greetings to you all, thanks.
Charles, ED, MPI.