Category: Bouganville

Why Bougainville landowners oppose Rio Tinto’s return

Dr Kristian Lasslett | International State Crime Initiative ( Once more Rio Tinto subsidiary Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) is in the headlines, after the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) passed transitional mining legislation that seemingly continues the momentum towards the re-opening of the Panguna mine. The legislation has provoked strong...

Me’ekamui statement on mining in Bougainville

PHILIP MIRIORI – CHAIRMAN ME’EKAMUI GOVERNMENT OF UNITY — BOUGAINVILLE August 01 2014 – Arawa Our recent reconciliation between Meekamui members of North and Central Bougainville and our pledge to support the ABC has been well publicised and well received both here and abroad. From this time forward, the...