Author: admin

Statement from Doko and Biruniom – Panguna Districts Veterans Assoc

BOUGAINVILLE MINING POLICY or AUSTRALIA’S  BOUGAINVILLE MINING POLICY? Which has been………………… Written in Australia — By Australian Lawyers Drafted in Australia —  To benefit an Australian Company  Promoted in Buka by — Australian High Commision and Australian Rio Tinto/BCL Executives Funding/support/cover —- Provided by Aus/Aid Head of Operations — Australian...

Bougainville Mining Bill 2014 in ABG Parliament

The Autonomous Bougainville Government is debating the new Bougainville Mining (Transitional Arrangements) Bill 2014 this week with a vote expected on Friday 8th August. Until the bill was made available this morning  via the PNG Mine watch website, most people had yet to see the bill, indeed most Bouganvillians...